Changing Perspective

Sometimes my best shots will come from taking a different perspective, like getting under the piano. Sometimes, however, even a cool vantage point can't be saved by poor light. Take these two photos as an example. The first is shot straight on, from a low vantage point that accentuates the strength of the structure as it towers over the individual. The wires and framework were carefully aligned to create as much symmetry as possible, and as a bonus, a rainbow decided to come along for the ride.
Here's a little different perspective, shooting directly up into the power line. The intricacies of the frame are revealed, as is the incredible geometry that is produced by the lines, supports, and steel. In my opinion, this is a far more interesting shot in terms of composition, but is hampered by the bland lighting. The mundane, monotone background belies the dynamic power of the structure. But, with that being said, I like these shots about the same. This just shows that even in the crappiest of light, there can be a creative solution to finding a great shot. Now, if I could apply this to everything in life, I'd be in business...
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