Chicago Walk

No story - just some building.
I had an opportunity to go for a walk this weekend and took my camera with me to see if I could get any shots. Unfortunately, it was absolutely packed and the light was really harsh. I still managed a few shots, and a handful of them came out alright.
I liked the way the symmetry and the contrast of color played off each other in this shot. Two buildings of vastly different size, shape, and architecture, are transformed into twins with the right perspective. Not a beautiful image by any stretch, but still cool in my opinion.
Another technically crappy shot that I included because of the subject matter. We were waiting around for a bus (where it didn't stop), when the Bently and garbage truck drove by. I remember thinking, "I wonder if this guy's pissed that his car is the same color as a garbage truck?"

I was really, really disappointed with how the shot of the black & white buildings came out, so I spent a little time working on some creative crops. I find it to be a much more appealing (and interesting) shot, but let me know what you think.
Reader Comments (1)
i like the new crop (the way the buildings seem to float high above the rest of the city), but something about the castle-like building in the foreground, contrasted with seemingly more modern buildings in the background is interesting as well.